Author: SG Main Admin 0001

As the New Year begins, I invite you to participate in a 108 day mindfulness practice. This is an opportunity to raise your own personal bar of mindfulness in whatever area of your life you choose. This 108-day practice is intended as a devotional process,...

Traveling in neo-pagan circles years ago, I noticed several different "types" among my fellow travelers. Some of them yearned only to worship deities: granted, multiple deities. But others wanted to be deities: at least, as performed in the practice known as "drawing down the moon," inviting...

If you've ever suffered from depression, anger or any other emotional blockage in your life, watch this episode. We booked a session with renowned counselor and healer founder of the Rim Institute and author of Awakening Power, Releasing the Inner Magician and Goodbye Hurt and Pain. Using a...